Pilgrimage...Several family members are heavy into writing.
Beth Blair (our daughter) is the most prolific, with websites, blogs, magazine and newspaper articles, and a book on travel
writing. Matt surprised his family with the announcement that he had just published two (now three, with more on the way)
children's books aimed at preschoolers like our grandaughter, Lindsey (otherwise know as Matt and Kelly's daughter). My
writing ranges from scientific to religious, and sometimes in-between. Find
here Pilger & Co. Books: Then there is Beth's own website; it links to many of her published articles and demonstrates her photographic talents, as well. Beth contributed for many years to a very popular web destination she shared with other travel writers: The Vacation Gals. Search for Beth Blair to find her posts from several years ago. My
late, beloved wife, Rita (passed away 8/12/2020), offered some charming stories about a wide variety of topics on Roaming Rita. One of her most popular posts is about runaway truck ramps. 
Rita and I share a blog with most posts from a few years ago.